This harmony is seen in the celebration of festivals and at the religious places. The message of love and brotherhood is expressed by all the religions. according to their religion.ĭogra land is a land where people of different religions live in harmony. On the religious front people fast, pray, do aarti, holi dip, donation etc. Even the dead bodies are buried/cremated with all the due honors or and remembered during the Shraadh. Since birth, the people get influenced and carry on the inherited customs ranging from pre-birth ceremony, to house warming ( Chattha), to Wedding (Byaah). Customs and ceremonies which deal with specific ceremonies for specific occasions customs appeal because of the grace and beauty they bestow on the routine business of living till death. In the present scientific and industrial age,the rural people are still very strict to their old traditions and rich rituals as it was in the olden days. But here is hardly any influence of urban culture on rural culture. Though the urban culture is changing very fast. This region is a land of many beliefs and customs and true colours of Dogra culture can be mainly seen in rural areas. Many people live in small families.Įconomically,this land is a land of agriculturists, soldiers and businessmen. But for many people today living in large societies,kinship and family relations have become less important. Kinship and family relations were both important in agricultural societies, as well as for many people in commerce-based societies. They lived very peacefully as the orders of the elders were followed without any argument. The joint family sometime might have the strength up to 50-60 members in a family. The great-grandfather and grandfather lived among their grand children together. In the olden days, there was joint family system in Duggar, which is still prevalent in rural areas. The family is standard social unit today and it has been found in some form or other at almost all levels of cultural development. So ,Sociologically, It is the land of nomadic tribes and civilization. Today, it is difficult to differentiate that which caste/tribe had influenced the life-style of the other.

But due to specific changes, people came together and had exchange of ritual and thoughts. In the beginning, they had different lifestyle as well as traditions. People belonging to various tribes came here, got settled and established their own power centers in certain areas of this land. It is watered by Ravi, Tawi, Chenab, Basanter and Ujjha rivers.ĭogra culture is a secular culture of various castes and tribes, which got present shape with the passage of time. Dogra region is situated in the lower Himalayan ranges and ecologically ,it is the land of mountains, thick forests, barren lands and rivers a land of contrasts and combinations. Geographical conditions play an important role in the knitting of the pattern of the culture and Dogra culture is not an exception. They have their own language, Dogri which was included in the 8thschedule of the constitution of India on 22 of December, 2003. But they also live in adjoining areas of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Northeastern Pakistan. This is the native land of world’s renowned warriors and artists, known as Dogras. This region is bounded on the North by the Pir-Panjal Range of the middle Himalayas ,on the south by Punjab, on the East by Ladakh and on the West by Pakistan. Politically, this region is called Jammu division of Jammu and Kashmir state of India ,one of the three regions of the state and the city of Jammu is the winter capital of the state(the summer capital being Srinagar, in the Kashmir Valley). so is the Dogra culture the culture of the people of “Duggar Pradesh”. But the apparent variation among cultures proves that every human society has its own particular culture or socio-cultural system consisted of language, ideas, beliefs ,customs ,taboos, codes works of art,rituals ,ceremonies, symbols etc. Today’s world is characterized as a single global-scale culture, in which people are linked together by industrial technology and markets of commercial exchange. Culture has played a crucial role in human evolution.