For example, I will choose Top view option here.Īnd it will shift to top view of this layout. Just choose your desired view from Standard view sub-option of Camera option. You can also change the view to top or any other. Here click on arrow button of Camera option and enable Ortho option by click on check box of it and it will change into normal view like this.
You can change it into normal view in this layout software also and for that go to SketchUp Model panel which is at the right side of the working screen. You can also insert perspective camera view of your 3D model like this. This is the front view of this model because I saved scene in front view in SketchUp. I will choose this file and click on Open button of this dialog box. Now let us insert 3D model design of SketchUp in this layout software for creating layout of that So for that again go to File menu and this time click on Insert button of scroll down list.Ĭhoose SketchUp file of your model from its saved location. You can set it as per your choice.įor making copy of any text just select that text and hold Ctrl key of keyboard and it will make copy of it. Here in the Text Style panel we have some parameters for text such as text style, text alignment, and text size, and so on. Make click on the section of this table with this tool where you want to type your text and then type your desired text. Now I will move this table the right corner of this layout and take text tool from tool panel. You can merge two or more cell and for that just select your desired cells and make right click then click on Merge cells option. Make double click on this table for selecting any cell of it.įor selecting more than one cell at a time hold shift key of keyboard and then select other cell. You just have to enter value of rows and column of this table and hit enter button of keyboard.
You can also change color of stroke by the same way we change color of Fill.Īnd with this tool you can insert table in this layout design for filling details of drawing. You can also fill pattern to it if you want you just have to select pattern from Pattern’s tab which is below to Fill tab. You can fill color in it also so for filling color click on color box which is next to Fill tab in Shape Style panel.Īnd you can choose color from color wheel as per your choice. If you resize it by holding diagonal point then it will resize proportionally. You can select this rectangle with a select tool by clicking on it and resize it by holding it from anchor points of edge. You should do it with proper dimensions and for that, you just have to enter dimension values in Measurements box which is at the button of the user interface.
I am drawing it without any specific dimension. Once you click on Save option a dialog box will be open for saving your layout so save it at your desired place in your personal computer.Īnd you can draw a rectangle for making border line of your layout. For saving your layout go to File menu and click on Save option of scroll down list or you can press Ctrl + S button of keyboard. Now before doing anything in this layout let us save this so that it will be losses in any case. I will choose one of the plane paper templates. Here in this box, we have two types of layout design template first one is with Graph Paper and second one is with Plain Paper so according to your requirement you can choose any one from here. Once you click on it a Template box will be open for choosing template design for layout. For having a template go to File menu of menu bar and click on it then choose New option from scroll-down list of this menu. 3D animation, modelling, simulation, game development & othersįirst, let us we choose a template on which we will create layout design of 3d model of SketchUp.